About Us
For Sale or Rent By Owner Australia (forsaleorrentbyowner.com) is an independent registered reseller for For Sale By Owner (forsalebyowner.com.au) and provides vendors and landlords access to some of the core services offered by For Sale By Owner at discounted rates. We strive to assist anyone looking to sell or rent their property to be able to do so effectively and at the most competitive rate available in the market.
Whilst we are not able to offer the full array of services offered by FSBO, we are able to provide discounted products for those who do not require the full package inclusions offered by FSBO. This makes our products ideal for those who wish to manage their advertising campaigns autonomously and who require little assistance.
For services or products which are not offered by this website, you will always still have the option of upgrading or purchasing these directly from FSBO at a later stage. This includes things like realestate.com.au upgrades, domain.com.au upgrades, full-colour photo boards, professional photography, as well as pointer boards for home opens, open now flags, and custom stickers.
For Sale or Rent By Owner currently only offers packages for residential sales and residential rentals. If you are looking to sell or rent out a commercial property, please visit www.forsalebyowner.com.au as they are able to assist.